Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today was the day...

Today was the day Mom and Dad got to find out if I was going to have a baby brother or sister. The results are in and I'm going to be the big brother to a baby GIRL. Mom has really been working with me to say "sissy" but all I ever respond with is "bubba". Mom told Dad her name is just going to have to be Bubba for a while.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

A bowl of cereal just like Daddy

This morning Daddy was eating his big bowl of cereal and I decided I wanted to eat mine in a bowl with milk, just like him.

I've gotten pretty good at it, I just dribble a little milk here and there. Fruit Loops are my favorite, but as long as it's in a bowl with milk, I'll eat just about any kind.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The signs of summer

Mom and Dad got me a new pool for this summer. I've out grown my one from last year.

Today Mom stripped my diaper and just let me swim in my clothes. I sure hope she remembered to put sunscreen on my sensitive areas.

She said I remind her a lot of Uncle Jeff in this picture. I wonder what that means?

I love swimming and playing in the water. I swim almost every day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mom's birthday present

Mom has been wanting a fish aquarium so we can sit and watch the fish. She finally got one for her birthday. Here I am posing in front of it.