Tuesday, July 21, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. So I'm a little behind on the 10 on Tuesday.

2. I took the kids to the fair last night and was very disappointed. I don't like the way they have it set up this year. Seems a lot more crowded and trashy. Not impressed.

3. Speaking of fair...Laken and Courtney will be in the baby girl contest on Thursday night at 6. Not expecting to win, but will be fun.

4. Walked in daycare this morning and they have a sign up saying they have a confirmed case of the swine flu. Are you kidding me?

5. A good friend of mine had her baby yesterday. She was sooo ready. Welcome baby Elliot.

6. Things at work are crazy. We are learning so much new material. I wish it would all just sink in.

7. I need to post pictures of our garden. This is the first year we have planted one and it has done exceptionally well. We have canned over 30 quarts of green beans, 46 quarts of pickles and so far 6 quarts of tomato juice. We have started eating on the sweet corn and still have cantaloupe, watermelon and pumpkins growing.

8. Laken has officially starting crawling this week. She's been army crawling for a while and is finally cruising on all fours. She has also started pulling up on everything. Yesterday she pulled up on the couch and let go and just stood there. I have a feeling she may not crawl for long and will go right into walking.

9. So a man finds a 3 year old walking down the side of Highway 63 with a diaper on and blanket and pacifier in hand. WHAT????? And this was at 9:00 at night. Those parents obviously should not be reproducing. Makes me so angry. People, do not let your kids out of your sight.

10. I'm still running once or twice a week. Not much distance, but at least it's exercise. I had a really fun run the other night on the streets of Ashland. Much better than running circles at the park. Thanks to my sister in law for doing this with me. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to run as far as she does.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Laken 8 months

Laken smiling for the camera and trying to wave hello. We can't believe how big she is getting... already 8 months old.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


This is one of the catfish that Uncle Jeff caught. Grayson fell in love with this one and when it came time to clean it, he did not want to let it go.