Sunday, August 23, 2009

Grayson turns 3

Today was my 3rd birthday. We had a party and Mom made ice cream cone cupcakes and Dad made home made ice cream. It was so yummy. I liked licking the icing off the top of the cupcakes.

I got lots of really cool presents. Thank you to everybody.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 on Tuesday...on Thursday

1. Laken had her 9 month check up yesterday. Everything went well, no shots, and she's grown 3 inches since her last appointment.

2. My baby boy is going to be 3 on Sunday. I CANNOT believe it! I just want to hold him tight and not let him get any bigger.

3. School has started back this week and I keep hearing all the talk about the "first day of school." I am not looking forward to that day. I will be the Mom that stands on the sidewalk at school and cries...all day long.

4. I had an awesome run last weekend with Erin. She pushed me and I thought I was going to die, but in the end it felt awesome. I should be on track for running the 5K in October.

5. Speaking of that, Erin and I are going to try the Susan G Komen 3 Day Cancer Walk next year. It's 60 miles over 3 days. I'm really excited about it and will keep you posted. We will have some fundraisers as each team member has to raise over $2000.

6. So potty training with Grayson has been a bit of a challenge. He does good with it WHEN HE WANTS TO. I had a talk with him the other night and told him that he would be turning 3 this weekend and 3 year olds don't wear diapers. He keeps telling me that big boys have to wear big boy pants. We'll see if this works. When he turned 2 I told him that 2 year olds don't use pacifiers anymore and he gave it up cold turkey. I'm hoping the same strategy works for the diapers.

7. side note to #6...I may be washing lots of dirty underwear, but we'll give it a try.

8. I'm starving right now. I have a Bagelful to eat, but it doesn't sound good. I really want some Mexican.

9. We've about wrapped up our garden for the summer. The only thing that's left growing is our pumpkins and they are getting huge.

10. We still don't know what all to get Grayson for his birthday. So far we've gotten and baseball bat, ball and tee and a Spongebob movie. The kid already has everything.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. So I've fallen behind...there's been a lot going on around the house, I will try to get better.

2. I can't believe Grayson will be 3 in a little over a week. These past few years have flown by. It's so much fun to watch the kid that he is developing in to.

3. Laken is still pulling up on everything. She hasn't taken any steps yet, but I don't think we're far from it.

4. My Grandma is still holding on. I would have never guessed that she would still be here, but she is a true fighter.

5. It makes me sad to know that summer is almost over. I am looking forward to fall, it's probably my favorite time of year, but NOT looking forward to winter!

6. I'm still running a couple times a week, but it doesn't seem to be getting any easier. I know if I just stick with it it will. I think the heat has been the hardest battle.

7. Well, our first garden was a HUGE success. We have canned green beans, tomato juice, dill pickles, bread and butter pickles, salsa and potatoes. We are still going to try okra and peaches. We shouldn't go hungry.

8. I love my kids to death. It is still hard for me every morning that I have to drop them off. Don't get me wrong, they can both be very ornery at times, but I would not trade them for the world. It's made me so proud lately to watch how they're starting to play together. Laken always crawls into Grayson's room and he gladly goes in there and empties the toy box and plays with her. I think they're going to be great buds.

9. Training at work is still a struggle. It's starting to make more sense, but man it's tough.

10. I have pictures that I need to load on here. I will try this weekend to sit down and get things updated.